1874 Waterbury mantel clock

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1874 Waterbury mantel clock

Postby garyk706 » Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:42 am

My clock keep decreasing time when it chimes. In other words, it may chime at 9:00am, then next time at 10:01am,
then at 11:02 am. Any thoughts on this. Thanks Guys
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Re: 1874 Waterbury mantel clock

Postby willofiam » Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:35 am

Hey, this is william, cant give you a direct answer, still learning myself but I also do not want you to get lost in the shuffle. are you able to get some close up pics of the chime train. I would like to try and figure this out.
Have a great day, William
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Re: 1874 Waterbury mantel clock

Postby Bob Tascione » Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:50 pm

Hi GaryK,
I'm also waiting to see a movement pic. as I'm only familiar with their time and strike movements from that era and was under the impression that Waterbury didn't make a chime movement until years later. A picture may (or may not :D) jog my memory .
Also you said that it was decreasing in time between chiming intervals but I see that as increasing. Is that correct or am I looking at it wrong?
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Re: 1874 Waterbury mantel clock

Postby garyk706 » Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:13 am

Sorry guys, I messed this one up good.
First I mean decreasing .
Second, not chimes but the hourly bomgs

My bad
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Re: 1874 Waterbury mantel clock

Postby Bob Tascione » Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:26 pm

No problem Gary,
I could have easily been wrong about Waterbury not making a chime movement until years later. I was just going on memory which in my case should never be trusted! :D
Sorry for not getting to this earlier but have been away most of the day. I've been sitting here scratching my head over this one for a little while and just can't figure out what could be happening. If this is the normal 8 day count wheel striking movement then I think the minute hand being positioned on the square of the center wheel arbor (minute arbor) would always stay in sync with the lever release cam (or release pin) that lifts and then releases the J hook (J lever) as this cam or pin is also secured to the minute arbor. When the J lever is lifted by the cam the strike goes into warn and then the strike will begin as soon as the lever drops off of the cam. The relationship between the two should never change. So if the strike occurs at say, 10 o'clock then it would have to occur no later than one complete revolution of the arbor, which would be 11:00. The cam could be slipping but that wouldn't be so consistent. Now obviously I'm wrong because it's happening so...I'm wondering if it's possible that your movement is something different. Waterbury made a rack & snail too. Also a 30 hour. Could it be one of these? Would it be possible for you to take a few pics of the movement ie: outside, and between the plates?
It may just be that my mind isn't working well right now (long day!). I'll think on it for a while tonight to see if the fog lifts a bit.
For the mean time maybe someone up here knows what's going on and can help with some ideas or suggestions.
Cheers for now,
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