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Good to be back

PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:12 pm
by Bob Tascione
Hi All,
You may or may not have noticed that I had ducked out of the forum for a couple of weeks. As some of you already know Phyllis and I have been out of the country on our sailboat for a few years now and will be for quite a while longer. We usually have fairly decent internet access where ever we go but it's been touch and go and REALLY SLOW lately. I've been able to get online long enough to take care of a little business and some emails but that's been about it. I've also just finished up a boat related project which ate up most of my time but was necessary if we intended (which we do) to clear out of hurricane country for the summer. There are actually 2 hurricanes (Celia and Darby) within striking range as I type but their tracks are predicted to change with both curving away from us . It's just about time to move out of this area. Anyway we have great internet access right now so I'll try to be a bit more active.

Good to be back!

Re: Good to be back

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:03 pm
by Marc Hildebrant

Do you live full time on a boat ? If so, sounds like an interesting life !


Re: Good to be back

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:31 pm
by Bob Tascione
Hi Marc,
Thanks for asking. At the time that I made that post yes we did. We lived full time on our boat for several years and had a blast. It is very interesting (and challenging) at times. We've been at the house (still in Mexico but down on the Pacific side) for about 7 months now but will be heading to the boat in La Paz, Mexico (Sea of Cortez) pretty soon to spend a little time doing some repairs (always repairs to do!!) and to mess around bit. Do have more cruising planned but gonna take a break and enjoy Cable TV and Internet for a while! It's good to have access to my shop again too.