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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:18 am
by david pierce
I just saw that the NAWCC was closing down its watch and clock schools. I am sure that many people like myself would like to have attended but lacked the money and time to do so. I purchased a dvd on Jacot pivot lathes from them and learned a lot from the video. It is a shame that they did not continue with other subjects such as hairspring vibrating, hairspring bending, pivot making, jeweling and so on. The sales from these may have generated enough revenue to keep them from going under. With the technology avaiable today there are ways to share the learning experience other than the 19th century system of small classrooms.
David Pierce


PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:24 pm
by Bob Tascione
Hi David,
I may be wrong but the last I heard (a few weeks ago) the NAWCC was closing down their on site watch school due to lack of interest but still running the clock school and would be concentrating more on short traveling field classes for both watches and clocks... but again, I may be wrong.