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new to forum first post

Postby cwsilver » Sun Dec 02, 2018 11:17 am

hello I have been a member for a few months now watching the videos and reading buying tools and set up a dinning room as my watch learning area taking apart old pocket watches learning how all the parts are working and there purpose im sure there is a lot of success stories I just would like any advise feedback or anything that will help with moving forward and is everyone had the same question how our success will be vs not having any school training and getting the certified watchmakers certificate or is others doing a little of both ..thanks so much Bob for the great work in your courses
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Re: new to forum first post

Postby digitaltripper » Fri Dec 14, 2018 8:21 pm

Interesting question...Does not being "Professionally Trained" "Schooled" "Apprenticed" etc. make you less of a repairer/maker/professional? Ah...Yeah...Maybe...HOWEVER, even those with degrees, certificates, diplomas, etc don't know it all nor do they make a "Professional"

Experience+Knowledge+Strong work ethic (meaning you are capable of suiting up and showing up) makes a "Professional"

The other side of this equation is that you are NEVER finished learning in this or any other "profession". It is one of the reasons I enjoy and need to return to this forum as I do NOT know it all and need help/advise/suggestions etc. I think that makes me more professional.

You also have to ask yourself, who is it that is worthy of evaluating your knowledge/skills/abilities etc.? Does their opinion mean that you are qualified? Based on what exactly?

There are A LOT of "Arm Chair" pro's out there who think they know what's going on but they've never actually done (Insert skill/ability here)

I have installed a toilet in my bathroom, fixed the faucet seat and washers (replaced them), as well as packing the stems in the shower and kitchen but I am not a plumber nor does that 15 hours make me a "professional"

If it makes you feel better about what you know, I bet that Bob or William or Paul or ?? could devise a "test" for your knowledge...

I have been doing/learning this since 2010. Does that make me a "professional"? I "Apprenticed" under Nolan Holdridge who was in the watch repair business for almost 70 years. (I was fortunate enough to have 5 years with him before he passed away on Dec. 7th 2016 at 93)

I will say that if you have someone to apprentice under it can save you a lot of frustration AND help keep your moral up during those time when your human side shows itself (Things happen, Mistakes are made, etc.).

As I said above, in my humble opinion, Experience+Knowledge+Strong work ethic (meaning you are capable of suiting up and showing up) makes a "Professional

Keep at it IF you enjoy it. Frustrations will come and go and you'll get much better with time. Welcome to the forums and the world of Horology...

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